Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring is here!!!

It's one of my favorite times of the year....the time when the windows are open, music is playing, and we are running around with barefeet. I treasure this time since it seems the blazing sun heats up faster and faster every year.
Today we spent the morning at the park with a group of friends from church. Amelia is ever-so-slightly obsessed with the slide. Up the steps we go, down-down-down, then repeat the cycle about one hundred times. Not only is she slide obsessed, but she thinks all her friends should be too. If she isn't tugging at them, she is in their face telling them to go down the slide. It's so cute watching her get excited when she knows we are going to the playground.
Almost as exciting as the park, is our new thrill of walking around the house naked. Not necessarily completely naked, but with our bottom exposed. Lucky for me, we have mastered the potty training. Not so lucky for me....Abigail has not. Yesterday morning, after heating up my breakfast, I enter the living room only to find Abi sitting in a puddle of poo. Oh, did I mention she was propped up on the couch??? After a long process of stripping and bathing her, I managed to strip the couch and throw those cushions in the wash. So thankful they are machine washable!!! I think at 3 1/2 mths old, we are moving up to size 1 diapers!
Abigail has become quite the talker. She has the sweetest little voice and she wants the world to hear. She is still the most calm, easy-going baby. She loves Amelia and loves watching her play. Don't worry though....Amelia is equally in love with Abi and is constantly giving her kisses. My personal favorite is watching Amelia attempt to play patty-cake with 'B'. Even though is sometimes is rough, 'B' thinks her big sister is hilarious. Her laugh is contagious. :)

Thank you God for slides and patty-cake

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