Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mother Hen

Oh, my little mother hen! And this has not just started. It began from day one when we brought Abigail home. It started her the binkie or calling for me EVERYTIME Abi cried (as if I wasn't right there hearing it). Slowly, Amelia has grown from being a "helper" to being a "mother hen". The first bold move took place when Abi was just a few weeks old. Yes, she was still a newborn. With Abi in the swing and Amelia watching me, I opened the garage to start the car and get it warm. As I reached in and put the key in the ignition, my eyes glanced through the windshield to the open door of the utility room. There was Amelia....with Abi in her arms!!!! My heart about fell out of my chest. As fast as I could move, I ran over and gently took her into my more secure arms. I didn't want to yell in that moment (I could just see Amelia dropping her) so I found myself thanking her for being mommy's helper....then explained that only mommy should pick her up. Still to this day, I have no idea how Amelia was able to get Abi out of the swing (and so quickly). Lesson learned.
As Abigail gets bigger, so does my "hen". She is constantly giving her toys (none of which Abi cares for yet), still shoves the binkie in, and is always at her side. Today, Amelia was sitting on the couch watching cartoons. I layed Abi down on a blanket with a few toys. Both were absolutely content so I went in the kitchen to work on my grocery list. After just a couple minutes, here comes my hen announcing that Abi pooped. Big surprise. :) I said I'd be right there and off she ran...I assumed to finish her show. I finished writing my list (which took an entire 5 minutes) and made my way to the living room, prepared for a blowout. There was my precious 3 month old right where I left her....but completely naked!!! Thank the Lord above that there was no poop afterall!!! My hen decided that she needed a diaper change. So off went the clothes and diaper. By observation, it looked like she attempted to put a clean diaper on but then got distracted. No big deal, right? Except for the fact that Abi went potty everywhere!!!! No worries though....I cleaned everything up, threw it all in the washer, and once again, thanked Amelia for helping....then explained that only mommy should change Abi's diaper. mother hen. Abigail has no chance.

Thank you Lord for Abigail's sister that loves her so much.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring is here!!!

It's one of my favorite times of the year....the time when the windows are open, music is playing, and we are running around with barefeet. I treasure this time since it seems the blazing sun heats up faster and faster every year.
Today we spent the morning at the park with a group of friends from church. Amelia is ever-so-slightly obsessed with the slide. Up the steps we go, down-down-down, then repeat the cycle about one hundred times. Not only is she slide obsessed, but she thinks all her friends should be too. If she isn't tugging at them, she is in their face telling them to go down the slide. It's so cute watching her get excited when she knows we are going to the playground.
Almost as exciting as the park, is our new thrill of walking around the house naked. Not necessarily completely naked, but with our bottom exposed. Lucky for me, we have mastered the potty training. Not so lucky for me....Abigail has not. Yesterday morning, after heating up my breakfast, I enter the living room only to find Abi sitting in a puddle of poo. Oh, did I mention she was propped up on the couch??? After a long process of stripping and bathing her, I managed to strip the couch and throw those cushions in the wash. So thankful they are machine washable!!! I think at 3 1/2 mths old, we are moving up to size 1 diapers!
Abigail has become quite the talker. She has the sweetest little voice and she wants the world to hear. She is still the most calm, easy-going baby. She loves Amelia and loves watching her play. Don't worry though....Amelia is equally in love with Abi and is constantly giving her kisses. My personal favorite is watching Amelia attempt to play patty-cake with 'B'. Even though is sometimes is rough, 'B' thinks her big sister is hilarious. Her laugh is contagious. :)

Thank you God for slides and patty-cake

Friday, March 4, 2011


Have you ever seen a pic on the internet and thought, 'mmm...what kind of person would do that'? Well now I know from personal's a person that is on lack of sleep and taking cough medicine.
Yesterday, even though I still wasn't feeling good, I was determined to do something to get out of the house. After a quick trip to Hobby Lobby, I stopped to fill up the tank before returning home. After a couple efforts, I realize that pump 9 wasn't reading cards so I ran in to pay. The very kind worker said the pump was jammed and told me to hurry and move to pump 8 before someone else pulled in. Well, I trotted my little hiney to my car as fast as I could without looking foolish....because heaven forbid I look foolish! I jump in, put my car in drive, and make it only a few feet before hearing a loud thud. I drove off with the pump hose still in my car!!!!! It completely dettached from the pump and was dangling down the side of my car. I jumped out, took one look, and couldn't stop laughing! The lady at the pump next door also started laughing. The worker had to come out and place an "out of order" bag and sign on the pump. After apologizing over and over, I get back in my car and pull up to pump 8, where I get my gas. And yes....I managed to get there before anyone else pulled in....I just failed when it came to not looking foolish :)

Thank you God for a car to put gas in.