Thursday, January 13, 2011

Uterus on the street

The rule is to take it easy until 6 weeks after giving birth. My feelings on that....apparently the rule-makers do not have a toddler at home. Seriously, they expect me to not lift Amelia, not play outside with her, and to just relax for an entire 6 weeks??? As blissful as that sounds to many women, I am not one of them. At 3 weeks, I started running again. Maternity clothes fill my closet and haunt my dreams. I don't remember the time it took to get "back to normal" with Amelia. However, I am determined to make it sooner than later with this pregnancy. one of running concluded with me struggling to catch my breath and crawling back to the house. I probably shouldn't confess that I barely made it a block from the house before feeling like death. Day 2 was a little better. I was sore after that run. Not a day or two later I received an interesting facebook message from a good, concerned friend. Her friend was advised by her doctor not to start running prior to 6 weeks because it could result in her uterus falling out!!!! What!!! Though I greatly appreciated the heads-up, I had to do some investigating on my own. Seriously...could you imagine enjoying the day, jogging down the street when, oops...there falls out the good ol' uterus. The image is hilarious!!! Long story short---found out that even though it is false, other damaging things could happen as a running result. So goodbye running for another couple weeks and hello fitness videos in my living room. :)

Thank you God for legs to run and friends who care

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