Sunday, January 23, 2011


Lately I have been thinking about all the roles in life that we, at some point, wear. Every major role in my life allows me to wear smaller roles...some of which are enjoyable and others that are, well, not so enjoyable.

There is the "child" role. This is a role, that, no matter how hard we may try at times or how far we run, we will never lose. Our parents will always "parent" us, give advice, and call us multiple times a day. I have learned that the older I get, the more important this role is. Perhaps its not the importance, rather, its the respect I have for it.

Another role would be the "spouse" role. This is a role that I have proudly worn for 5 years now. He is my absolute best friend. This role enables me to wear a handful of roles within it. I am a comforter, listener, encourager, cook, partner, and cleaner....and lets not forget laundry machine. :)

My newest role in life would be "mommy". I'm sure all the moms out there would agree that no matter what I say, words cannot express the joy that comes with this role. Sure there are frustrating moments. Moments in which sanity is thrown out the window. Its during those moments, when I'm covered in spit up & poop and surrounded by crying babies, that I sit back and just have to laugh (or cry).

I have to there a "true" that entirely defines who I am? I think each role has had a very important part of my life. They have made me who I am. One has opened the door for yet another role to enter my life. I find myself sometimes wondering where one specific role might have gone. What happened to that girl I was during that time? Well I have decided that, though I move forward, each role is still there...just buried perhaps. So instead of missing parts of "that girl", I just have to look for her and bring her out from time to time. I have to wash off the spit-up, change out of my mama sweats, and find a way to mix the roles I am missing with my current roles...until the next role of my life knocks on my door :)

Thank you God for allowing us to wear and experience different roles in life :)

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