Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lessons learned

Wowzers....life has definetley been keeping us busy around here. For those who haven't heard, we did sell our house. Oh yes, we sold and, wait for it.....here it comes....are temporarily homeless. So where are we staying during this time? Well, I'm glad you asked. We have shoved our way into my gracious parent's house. Talk about a packed house!!!! While Ty and I take up the front living room, Abi's crib sits underneath a mounted dear head (her own personal mobile), and Amelia has a playroom for a bedroom (she isn't complaining). Life is very interesting to say the least. While we are EXTREMELY grateful for the shelter over our heads, we are daily searching for land or a house.

Though we aren't out in the boondocks, there are many differences between the city and this "country" living. Here are just a few of the many lessons I have learned in these short 4 weeks....

1. Miniature horses do bite....even when they are pets. Poor Abi learned the hard way. Luckily he just got her finger.

2. Hanging clothes on the line is a very common way to dry laundry. However, dogs do like to use the restroom in the shade of the clothes.....so looking down is VERY important.

3. A quick run in at the post office will turn into a 20 minute visit with multiple familiar faces. But at least there is never a line to buy stamps!!!

4. The 2 local gas stations do NOT believe in thirstbusters....oh how I miss my $.79 diet coke!!!

5. It is much, much easier to stay home then it is to dress, load, and drive 20 minutes to the closest walmart (goodbye neighborhood walmart).

Life has definitely become more interesting to say the least. I'm sure there will be MANY more lessons to come in the near future.

Thank you God for wonderful family and new opportunities....and mounted deer heads :)

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