Friday, September 9, 2011

The moments to not forget

I realize I haven't done a great job keeping up on here. There are so many moments that happen every day that I want to remember....but have already forgotten most of them. This one I want to remember, for it brought much laughter from myself and daddy....

We occasionally eat dinner "picnic" style in the living room. Tonight is spaghetti. I lay a hand towel down to set Amelia's plate on. I walk in the kitchen to get her dinner and here she comes following me, carrying the towel. She thinks she needs a bigger towel (or so she says). So I put down all the plates I had just balanced in my hands and change out her towel. I walk back into the kitchen, rebalance the dishes, approach the living room to see Amelia holding the towel again. This time, I tell her that she is pushing mommy's buttons and to leave the towel alone. Success (or so I think) and dinner begins. As we are chowing down, Amelia continually keeps picking up the edges of the towel...even knocking over my cup once. Exasperated, I ask why she does it again and again. She looks at me so innocently, and says in this very sweet voice "I looking for mommy's buttons".

I can only laugh.

Thank you Lord for the innocence of a child....and for putting a mommy in her place :)

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