Saturday, December 18, 2010

Blissful Chaos

My life lately has been a whirlwind of doctors, hospitals, and babies. Last Tuesday, Amelia started running a fever. On Thursday, with it still not going down, we took her to the doctor to try and kick it before the baby arrived. After running many different tests and drawing blood, the doctor concludes that it is just a fever virus and all her vitals and counts look good. That was great news....considering I started having contractions that night around midnight.
After an eventful night of warm showers and walking laps around the house (yes, I even broke out the exercise step and climbed some "stairs"), we headed to the hospital around 6:30am. From that point on, time flew by. One moment I was progressing quickly, the next I was leaning over the bedrail with my head in a blue bag. FINALLY at 5:14pm, the most beautiful, pink bundle of joy made her appearance.
Since the first introduction, Amelia has fallen in love with Abigail. She is constantly asking to hold her, always hugging her, and giving her kisses whenever she can reach her head. I'm so glad we got Amelia checked.....even though she started having a cough, I didn't feel the need to worry about her passing it to her sister.
So, you may think that is where my story ends. NOPE! We were able to go home Saturday evening. Yay! Only one night in the hospital. We had a calm Sunday. On Monday we headed back to the hospital for a jaundice and weight check. Tuesday brings chaos. While playing, Amelia dislocated her elbow. We made it through the night and rushed her back to the doctor Wednesday morning. The doctor, unable to pop it back, sent us to an orthopedic doctor. He, praise the LORD, was able to re-locate it and within minutes Amelia was all smiles. YAY!!!!
Now, one week after the birth, I am finally enjoying a calm weekend with both babies currently fast asleep.

Thank you Lord for doctors who love my children

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yes, that was me

Yes, that was me yesterday. I was "that" mom.
After my doctor appointment, Amelia and I went to Kohls where she decided she needed to go potty. She sees the fitting room and makes a dash for it thinking its the potty. When words were not enough to convince her it wasn't the right place, I walked in with her and showed her it wasn't the potty. I'm sure the one lady that was trying clothes on thought I was insane saying "see baby, there are not potties in here". Amelia then decides she doesn't like my answer and throws the BIGGEST tantrum she has ever thrown in public. She was holding on to the corner of the wall screaming for the world to hear. I carried her (kicking and screaming) to the bathroom where she continues screaming and refusing to go potty. So after 10 mins of standing in the bathroom waiting for her to stop, I finally give up, carry her through the store, again kicking and screaming, to the front to pay out. Everyone was staring, wondering what I was doing to this poor child. And why is it that elderly people think they need to stop and try to sweet talk a hysterical toddler? I was moving as fast as my big belly would allow me amidst the kicking, and this lady on a hoove-around stops me to ask Amelia if she wants to come home with her. Really lady? Do you see what I'm dealing with and you want to take her home? I'm pretty sure she was implying that she could handle her better than I currently was. So we check out, get out to the car, and continue to scream all the way home. Joy.

For those feeling sorry for me (and I'm sure there are few) worries! The day was won over, when last night Amelia found her "boobs" and thought she needed to give them a kiss. She was bending and rolling all over the living room floor, trying her best to reach them. It was the funniest sight. Ty and I laughed and laughed. She even moved down  to her belly, which of course, was still impossible. Too funny!!!

Thank you God for a child who is determined and potty-trained.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Dec 3rd....The blog

I have been finding myself drawn to reading a wide variety of blogs lately; work, living, parenting, etc. After reading a very well written blog on the benefits of healthy eating, I decided that perhaps I should use Amelia's nap time to blog about my everyday, simple life (this decision of course was made while eating a piece of my homemade pecan pie).  My life may not be the most exciting. It may not even be entertaining. But what better way to remember those day-to-day moments that seem to slip by without recognition? These moments seem to happen more and more once a toddler is running rapid around the house. So consider this my "online diary" of mommyhood.

So today I start my first blog. It will not be well written. It will not have the correct grammar. It will, however, be filled with my laughter, my tears, and of course my simple everyday moments of life. It is called "Barefeet and the Good life". Enjoy....or just stop reading. :)

Being 9 months pregnant and knocking on labor's door, I find myself lacking the energy to get out of this house. Thankfully I preplanned and am done Christmas shopping! Well, today I woke up with a little more energy and decided to head to Target to get a couple of things. To get ready to leave the house takes more than just a few minutes....especially now that Amelia has entered the "I can do it mommy" phase. So after 2 hours of showering, dressing, and packing our snacks, we finally head out to the car. We get in, I start her dvd player, and turn the key. Nothing. WHAT???? Thats right...the car is dead. So after a few disappointing attempts, we unload our things and walk back into the house (of course that takes another 10 minutes). Amelia is crying because she wanted to go in mommy's "vroom". Thankfully Elmo has just came on and our tears quickly dry. On days like today, I am extra thankful for little red, furry monsters!!

Hours later, with lunch complete and having played outside for awhile, it is now mid-day and nap time has begun. We will see what the evening holds once daddy gets home.

Blessing: Thank you God that I have a car, starting or not.