Monday, August 15, 2011

A Not-So-Sweet Kiss

Who wants to compare days?????
After having a slightly rough start to my morning, I purposely decided (oh yes I did) to have a nonproductive day. I retired my super mommy crown for the day and have done nothing but play with my girls and watch tv. For all you mommies out there, you know how rare a day like today can be!

My favorite time of day finally approached....nap time! As luck would have it, the girls are on opposite schedules today (which goes perfectly with the rest of  my day). So while Amelia has thoughts of sugarplums dancing in her head, Abi is wide-eyed and bushy tailed. So there I was, sitting in the floor watching a girly show, while Abi explored the living room. She approached me and used my leg to pull up into a standing position (my little baby is not so little anymore). Without a second thought (or a second look), I lovingly reached down, wrapped my arm around her bottom and kissed her forehead. Mmmm....why was that kiss a little mushy and why is my arm warm???

Oh yes, if you haven't guessed it by now my darling sweet baby girl.....had a huge mess of not-so-sweet stuff oozing out of her diaper and, in a way I cannot explain, it had worked its way to her forehead. Definitely a Not-So-Sweet Kiss for mommy!!!!!

For those concerned for my health (and her safety), both mommy and baby are super scrubbed and clean! Now who has a story to match that???????

Thank you Lord for my babies and all their kisses....preferably sweet ones though, not mushy