Friday, June 3, 2011

Vacations & more Vacations

Kansas City, Fort Worth, swim parties...OH MY!! Summer has officially been kicked off.

Our first stop....Kansas City. What a fun place! It being our first vacation with just the 4 of us, we took it easy...just taking in some close-by sights. Ty's must-see was the Ranger vs Royal game. We had only an hour after arriving to eat something and make it to the ballgame. It was Amelia's first game of the year but Abi's first game ever.

**Note the was COLD (and yes, mama forgot hers)!

My must-see was the local Farmers Market Saturday morning. So much to see and take in. If I lived there, that is a place I would be hitting weekly for fresh produce and goodies.

Of course Amelia had a must-see as well....and as many of you could guess, it was the zoo. Though a zoo is a zoo...the KC zoo had one animal in particular that we thought was pretty cool....

All in all, I would definitely recommend Kansas City to my friends as a cool "close-by" vacation. One thing we learned about Abigail on this trip....the car allows her to fill (and overfill) her diaper :(

Stop #2....Weatherford/Fort Worth Texas.
Yay! We love getting to see aunt Katie and uncle Josh. This was a "fast-get-everything-in" trip. Our favorite part, of course, was just visiting with them. We also got to see...wait for it...another zoo!!! lol. This one was pretty cool! We went swimming, saw cousins, and finished the trip off with stopping by lake Waurika on the way home to visit Grandpa's family (who we wish we got to see more of). A fun, busy weekend....

This is just the beginning of our summer vacations. We still have lake trips, water park trips, not to mention all the play dates!!! We love summer!!!

Thank you Lord for hot summer days.