Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where art thou February???

Seriously....I know exhaustion knocks on the door of my life a lot lately, but did I miss February? I must have blinked or something. I canNOT believe that next week will welcome March. Don't get me wrong...I am very ready for the warm spring weather. These past couple weeks with the weather bouncing up to the 70's then back down to 40's has been a complete tease. I am ready to pack away the big winter coat and replace it with a light jacket!
The girls are growing so much and so quickly. Amelia is 2.5 going on 10. We had quite an experience the other night. While enjoying her snack of Kix cereal, she discovered the comedy of sticking one up her nose. The first time was funny so, yes, she had to do it again. The second time was not so comical. As she laughed, she inhaled and UP the kix went. In panic, she kept trying to "sniff" it away....which resulted with it going further and further up her nose. I was laughing so hard that Ty had to help me hold her down so I could preform emergency tweezer surgery. As soon as it was out, she returned to her happy-go-lucky self. Yes, I was the mom that, instead of getting worried, I almost couldn't get it out because I was laughing so hard. :)
Abigail is a WONDERFUL baby. She is so calm and happy. Where does her joy in life come from???? Pooping!!! I cannot count how many times we have had blowouts. From interrupting Papa's funeral with loud "music" for all to hear, to filling her bouncy chair with a full mess....we are always pooping! The other day we met my parents at a local restaurant for dinner. Ty took Amelia in and I stayed out in the car to feed Abi. Not but 5 minutes into her eating, she started "making music". Before I can even think about changing her, my lap starts getting awfully warm. I lift her up and I am covered in poop! To make matters worse, I had sent the diaper bag in with Ty because I didn't think I would  need it. So I picked up my phone with my only free hand and called him. No answer. I called my mom, dad, and answer. They couldn't hear their phones. FINALLY my dad answers and I simply yell "SEND TY OUT HERE NOW WITH THE BAG". Together we mananged to strip Abi, clean her up, and dress her in clean clothes. However, I had no such luck. After attempting to clean my own clothes with wipes, I finally gave up and went inside to eat with a HUGE poop stain on my light gray pants. Oh the joys of motherhood!!!
I'm looking forward to all the "stories" I will have once the weather is warm and we can go outside more. Who knows what Amelia will come up with for entertainment....with Abi watching close by :)

Thank you God for poop and tweezers